Monday, November 23, 2009


any ideas on how to tie this image in? i really like it, but i do not know what to do with it yet.

Monday, November 16, 2009

buildings and some fireee

These are two pieces I am working with right now....I was trying to make one side destroyed and the other not, but this is what i came out with.These two I made with some images I took over the weekend. The 2nd version has a little more texture added. Any comments?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

war and peace

Right now I am working on an image involving war and peace. I talked about it a little bit at the critique on Monday. If anybody has any suggestions please let me know! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So I've been meaning to post this picture for a while, but I here it is.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Movin on Up

Well, I have to say sorry about leaving the crit on Wednesday, I all the sudden realized my flash drive fell off my keychain so I went flying back to my room to try and find it, and never did. So I lost some stuff, but luckily had already backed-up some stuff on my computer.

These are the images I am working with right now...

I'm not sure out of these two which one I like better, but I really like this image...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Messing around

I did this picture in class one day when I was trying to figure out what to do besides the military route if I changed my mind. I have this picture from my cruise that I took over the summer so I messed around with it a little bit. I thought about using these pictures and maybe titling the work like The Great Escape or something, but I think I'm going to stick to the military route. Just thought I would post this picture up so people can see it because I think it is pretty sweet.

I could use some HELP!

Ok, well these are just some of the types of pictures I have, just to give people an idea of what kind of material I am working with. These are actual photos taken recently that I got from my roommate. When I first decided to take the military route, I was afraid I couldn't get enough material, now that I have material, I am not sure what route I want to take. Military/war issues are so controversial and people have so many different opinions about it so I am a little afraid to go this route. As I have been thinking about it, I guess I want to display war as something that unites our nation but it also tears it apart because people can be against war or for war. So maybe I want to display both sides of it? Any feedback is much appreciated!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Well I've never blogged before, but I will give this a shot.
So, if been thinking about my artistic ideas and I've decided I want to create an animation. I feel like I am kind of weak with animation, but I'm hoping to increase my skills. I am looking forward to being able to do some individual work and being able to produce my own stuff. With the animation I am thinking something involving military possibly due to the fact I've checked into some pretty cool video games that my dad's engineering company has been in the process of making. Their company works on these games and simulations to help with the US Army, its pretty interesting stuff. That might be what I end up doing with my life. We'll see..Life is a Climb and you never know where it is going to take you.