Well, I am working right now on doing some print samples to decide what I want to print on this semester and for my senior show that is in December.
The first test was with backlit film. I really liked the effect on one of the pieces but I felt like the light didn't do much for the other image.
So, my next test is going to be on vinyl. I'm going to try the vinyl and possibly watercolor. My hope with the vinyl is to print on metal. I've been thinking about the possibility of metal, but I wasn't sure if I could get it done. Jessi told me about Liqu
id Image in Cleveland and they work on printing on different surfaces. They would be able to print on the metal for me, so I'm looking into calling them soon to get details. The idea would be to frame
both images on one metal frame, but splitting them up as well. I was thinking possibly a 3 inch metal border around and a one inch section between the two images so
I can still keep the diptychs going. The images themselves would be 24 long and 18 wide. So with the images and the frame, I'm looking at possibly 4 feet long and 2 feet wide frame and all. Here is a quick sample I came up with that is the idea I'm considering. I
really love the idea of printing on the metal. Any comments would be great! :)